Well everything is starting to burst into life in the garden. The daffodils have pretty much done their thing now, although the narcissus are still providing plenty of blooms to pick for the house, filling rooms with their lovely scent . The wallflowers are providing plenty of fragrance out in the garden along with the Forget Me Not’s, keeping the bees very busy indeed. The wisteria on the front of the house is in full bud with the first blossoms starting to open.
We have been spending as much time as we can out in the garden preparing for the coming Summer months – lot of jet washing has been taking place up on the patio, we’ve rubbed down all the garden furniture and given it a fresh coat of varnish ready for our guests to just sit and enjoy. The green house has been cleaned and the tomatoes planted, this year we’ve opted for Money Makers and Gardeners Delight – we hope to be able to serve our own tomatoes for breakfast during most of the Summer.
The swallows have also started to arrive, which always fills us with joy – as my Dad always reminds me though “one swallow doesn’t make a Summer”. He is of course right but they do give you the hope that Summer is just around the corner – let’s hope it’s a good one!!